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Divrei Bracha

Rabbinical endorsements and words of blessings for the Binyan Shidduch Center.


See Translation

The hardships of finding appropriate matches for our young men and women of marriageable age are well known. Chazal have acknowledged this and compared these challenges to those of the splitting of the Yam Suf. In our generation, numerous factors have made it even more difficult. 


In order to build a healthy home and family it is necessary for the two individuals to be compatible and to share the same values and goals in life, and be on similar levels of observance. As individuals grow older, the inherent challenges increase further. 


Our Torah tells us that it is not right for a human being to remain alone. It is a holy task to try to help our communities with Shidduchim. It has been brought to my attention that Rabbi Shoub, whom I know, has joined with the Rabbanim and Askanim in Great Neck and they are establishing an organization to help individuals with all aspects of finding a Shidduch. 


I am supportive of this worthy cause and offer my blessings that they may accomplish and be fruitful. 

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